
I have always loved toys, I grew up with an older brother who is eleven and a half years older than me, but we didn't play together much because of the age gap. I would usually play on my own or with a friend if they came for tea after school, although not having a lot of friends meant that I would play alone a lot. Toys became a big part of my childhood.

Saturday morning cartoons and tv shows would shape what kind of toys I would buy or ask for as gifts.

When I was 13-14 my dad decided I was too old for toys I made me take some to a car boot sale, I don't really remember all that I took but I know for definite all my Power Rangers Megazords went and I'm pretty sure that most of my Batman figures got sold as well. This is something I regret to this day.

A few years later I eventually decided to buy back some of my old toys, some of which were harder to find than you'd believe. I learned a lot about toy collecting and what kind of things I liked. Toy collecting also became a comforting thing to me as I suffered through some low periods, it made me relive happier times, but it also became a bit of an obsession.

This leads me to where I am now, trying to collate the things that I enjoy, into an online museum, so I can have a permanent display, and share my collection with anyone who is interested.

Although my wife thinks I mad for collecting toys she has been brilliant and has continued to support me with my crazy hobby.

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