A.K.A. Joshua Steele
Shadow-Jumping Warrior of the Legion of Light

Born into Luminaire's royal family as Joshua Steele. Grimskull's role in the destruction of the Lightstar Crystal has left him with the grim visage of a skeleton. Half human and half skeleton. Grimskull must fight the dark forces in him that urge him toward the Skeleton side, though there is no doubt whose side he is truly on. In tight spots, Grimskull can utilize the Shadow Jump, a mysterious interdimensional journey through mystical worlds that only he can navigate. As the war rages on, Grimskull fights his own private battle in a mind-link he shares with Baron Dark. Ever vigilant, Grimskull must keep Baron Dark from invading his thoughts. Eager to sway this young hero to the call of darkness, Grimskull is a powerful warrior who is fearsome in battle. Yet, it is his keen understanding of the dark side that is his strongest power.

Accessory: Baddog.

Accessories: Spring-powered Blast Staff (missing projectile), and Skeleton Finder.